Medicine work experience

How to prepare before your first year of med school

So you have that long awaited email to say you have an unconditional offer – you areofficially on your way to medical school! But what now? Do you need to buy any textbooks?A stethoscope, a white coat, a surgical scalpel?? Those are the questions we wer...

How to cope with the stress of medical school

Medicine is one full-on, all-consuming roller-coaster of a journey and that’s before you evenstart considering the usual stresses which come with starting university – moving away fromhome, trying to make new friends, fending for yourself for the first tim...

How to choose the medical school which will be right for you

Applying to medical school is like entering a long term relationship. This may sound a littlefar-fetched and cheesy however, it is true that over the course of your lifetime you will likelyspend much more time at work than you ever will with your life part...

How to have a personal statement med schools cannot ignore

So you have decided that you want to try and apply for medical school. Now comes the hardpart: actually getting in. And possibly the most tedious aspect of that process is the dreadedpersonal statement. A 4000 word essay in which you basically need to boas...